The holiday season is literally here, and these days are traditionally filled with joy, a “spread the love” vibe, and moments with our loved ones.
Regardless of this cozy and warm ambiance, for many of us who are full of professional responsibilities, family obligations, and personal commitments, it can also bring forth a whirlwind of stress and overwhelming demands.
Amidst this bustling time, we may end up being more stressed out and dazed than ever. However much we like all these festivities and happy people everywhere, these days can be really exhausting and make some of us want to hide in bed until the new year.
If you think you are alone, take a step back and read carefully: According to the American Psychological Association’s survey, 38% of people interviewed said their stress increased during the holiday season, which can eventually lead to physical illness, depression, anxiety, and substance misuse. The reasons why holidays are so stressful, according to the survey, can include lack of time, financial pressure, gift-giving, and family gatherings.
Stress during the holiday season has been a common phenomenon for many years. While for some, it is the most popular and favorite holiday of the year, for others, it can be a living nightmare.
For working women especially, holidays can easily turn into a roller coaster, with the amount of stress increasing significantly.
Relieving stress during the holiday season can be achieved, and we can breathe and let the warmth of the season get into us.
The following are the most proven to work techniques for this period, especially if you are working those days and you can not neglect your social obligations as well.
It’s almost certain that during these days, you will have a lot of invitations to RSVP. This is now the time to practice your skills in saying no when necessary. We know it can be difficult to say no to family and friends, particularly this time of the year, but balancing your working hours with your social obligations is essential. It's okay to decline additional commitments and it is also ok if you don’t go to every party you were invited.
The same applies to work: Don’t overload yourself these days or try to delegate tasks during this busy time. If you are firm in managing people’s expectations, then it will be easier to alleviate the pressure.
Here, you need to accept that the days are not becoming bigger during the holiday season. That said, you still have the same free time as you have every day. If you are lucky not to be working during Christmas or New Year’s, then some of this time will be dedicated to social gatherings. Prioritize which of those gatherings you need or wish to attend and plan accordingly for the rest of your time. Do not overbook your days, and set a realistic schedule for yourself. This way, you will actually do what you really want to without going from one place to another like there is no tomorrow.
Gifts are an essential part of the holiday season, and people tend to blow up their budgets every single year in order to conform to the holiday norms. If you are on a tight budget, then don’t try to impress everyone with a fancy gift. Instead, try to be more personal and even create something yourself. Also, if you are in the hustle all day, time management cannot be your friend here since shops are extremely busy and time-consuming these days. If you take a look at Pinterest, you can find unique, low-cost ideas that will keep everyone happy. Also, remember that your loved ones won’t mind the gift but the gesture!
Social media can make us feel overwhelmed and increase our FOMO emotions. Don’t feel bad watching the stories from the party you missed because, really, how much fun was it if people were posting so much? Social media and stress can be interconnected sometimes, but you should not let that define your stress levels. Take some time to pause from scrolling on Instagram and TikTok, and try to better connect with your favorite people. Let alone it’s kind of rude to be on your phone while with others. Set specific times when you want to dedicate yourself to your phone and relax and unwind alone or with your friends and family.
If you really feel overwhelmed and cannot manage your stress levels, add to your everyday routine 10 minutes alone to breathe deeply and exhale all the negative emotions and frustrations you may have. Sometimes, all we need is to sit and breathe. Managing your breath can help you reduce your stress levels and release all the negative energy from your body. Meditate, listen to your favorite music, and focus on your breathing. This is the most instant way to battle stress attacks.
Don’t forget that the spirit of holidays is not to make us feel stressed and overwhelmed. It is to connect with our loved ones, with ourselves, to enjoy our moments, and to prioritize what is important for us and what should be for the following year.