Why are you Overthinking?

Written by Amalia ~ Category: Good Life ~ Read Time: 2 min.

I used to think that being super-analytical is a virtue.

I felt that after analyzing it a lot, I would definitely make the right decision. Growing up, I realized that overthinking is not a virtue as I thought it was, but it can also create many problems.

Yes, it is good to think about it before making an important decision, but how much? When every decision you make and every action you take goes through so much analysis, I would say that the essence is lost somewhere.

My indecision has bothered me a lot. When I have to choose something, I get very stressed from the smallest to the most important. This is because many thoughts pass at that time. Is it right? Is the other better? What if I regret it?

An overthinker can think about both things in the past and things that will happen in the future. At first, they recall in their mind what they did in detail and wonder if they could have done otherwise. Then they imagine what they can do in the future and tries to plan what WILL happen. They make various scenarios in their mind, even the most improbable ones, now escaping from reality.

So we understand how stress this tactic can bring to our lives. We become anxious about anything; we get tired physically and mentally. These constant thoughts sometimes bring panic. The worst - for me at least - is bedtime. When you fall into bed, you fall asleep, and they’re all the thoughts explode like a bomb. You start and analyze everything you feel. You relive the stress of some situations and think of one thing from all its possible aspects. Of course, it is early in the morning, and you have not slept yet.


There are, of course, moments of spontaneity. And then you feel a little free; you think that you moved out of the box. But you cannot bear to do this for long; you have to keep thinking long before you act. And so hyper-analysis becomes a way of life that does not allow you to live in the present. The fear of failure affects the decisions you make, and in the end, you regret the decision you made.

Still, wondering if you are an overthinker?

Here are the key signs that you are.

  1. You can’t sleep because you cannot detach from your thoughts.

  2. You have a constant fear of what might happen.

  3. You overanalyze even the least important detail.

  4. You usually second guess yourself.

  5. You are a perfectionist.

So imagine the time when an overthinker has to make serious decisions about their life. What should they do? How will they manage it? Is there a way to get out of it?

It took 2 coffees to write this article.

About the author


Amalia is the Teacher. She loves what she does. She is addicted to detail: if it isn’t perfect, it’s not good enough. She loves her job and she loves writing. She wants to learn new things and she is very curious about everything. Her favorite question: Why? She usually answers the questions by herself, though.

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