The Woman in the STEM Fields

Written by Amalia ~ Category: Food for Thought ~ Read Time: 3 min.

The term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is used mainly concerning educational policy for the fields referred to in Natural Sciences, Technology, Engineering Science and Mathematics.

Although there is progress on women's access to all fields of education, women have to overcome many obstacles and challenges in science.

When we think of the technology field, we automatically think that it is a male field. And indeed, research proves it, as they have shown that the percentages of women attending technology schools remain much lower than those of men (except for Biology). Also, a survey in 2015 shows that in France, only 37% of the total percentage of positive students are women, in Germany at 23%, while in Switzerland the percentage is around 21%. Unfortunately, these percentages are even lower in postgraduate programs and doctorates. Interestingly, women tend to abandon their early academic careers when they reach a doctorate.

The reasons are many, and we can find them, taking into account the countless stereotypes and prejudices regarding the distinction of male and female professions. Boys and girls grow up in a climate where this distinction is clear. Boys in positive-technological professions, while the nature of women is more theoretical. The simplest example we can give is the toys that children play with. Girls never deal with cars, which shows exactly that a girl will not learn to deal with them since it is not in her nature. As innocent as it may seem, this example hides behind it all the stereotypes about how much a woman is allowed to enter this field, and it starts from childhood.

Obstacles are not only found there.

When a woman enters this space, she is confronted with male dominance and what follows. There is a lot of discrimination, and the inequality that prevails does not allow a woman to evolve as easily as a man would evolve. Many women have stated that they have been discriminated against because of their gender, and many women have been sexually harassed. The most common forms of gender discrimination reported by women in STEM jobs are that they earn less than men doing the same job while treating them as incompetent because of their gender or having less support from managers in a relationship with a man doing the same job.


Prejudices and stereotypes affect women's choices and the workplace in which they are discriminated against for their alleged incompetence. The wage gap and lack of understanding about family responsibilities are serious obstacles for women, as they seem to be giving up quickly in this area.

It is a fact that diversity in any field has positive effects on its evolution. Women can equally contribute to the development of the positive sciences. The cooperation of the two sexes in this field will only bring positive results, as it will lead science to innovative ideas that will naturally benefit society and the economy.

So, it's time we changed our mindset about which sector belongs to men and which sector belongs to women. Both sexes can work equally well in science, and this collaboration will be beneficial to all. The road is difficult, as working conditions, which are full of stereotypes, must change, but women themselves must believe in themselves and continue to work hard with men to advance science.

Reference: Pew Research Center, Women in STEM, see more gender disparities at work, especially those in computer jobs, majority-male workplaces

It took 3 coffees to write this article.

About the author


Amalia is the Teacher. She loves what she does. She is addicted to detail: if it isn’t perfect, it’s not good enough. She loves her job and she loves writing. She wants to learn new things and she is very curious about everything. Her favorite question: Why? She usually answers the questions by herself, though.

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