September Career Reset: 14 Questions To Ask Yourself

Written by Mariana ~ Category: Career & Finance ~ Read Time: 4 min.

September is traditionally considered the month of change

Maybe it’s the passing from the warmer to the colder seasons and the change of scenery: from sunny beaches to rainy afternoons, and from our cute dresses, we change to jackets and rain boots, and we carry our umbrellas everywhere.

However, apart from the season change, September is the ideal month to do some pre-New Year work and start organizing our lives again. It’s something like the “back-to-school feeling” we used to have as kids.

A reset can take an hour to several days and a month, but it’s important to do it constantly because by resetting, we can locate and unblock any obstacles, whether actual or potential. Resetting our lives, our careers, and our attitudes is the best way to move forward.

As genuine working gals, our careers play an important role in our lives. Whether we have a job we love or we are building our careers, it’s important to take some time to reevaluate our current situation, find ways to improve, and move forward with our career goals.

A mental reset is the perfect way to set new goals for the new season and accomplish them. Also, resetting our minds can reduce stress levels and help us manage stress more effectively. Not to mention that resetting can be

The first step is to evaluate our current work situation

To do so, we need to answer some questions sincerely. Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start; we’ve got you!

We have talked with experts in the field and gathered the most important questions you should ask yourself to evaluate your current situation and your goals for the future.

Take some time to write down your answers. Writing will help you organize your thoughts and make it easier to think about the questions and identify the answers.

Dedicate a Saturday morning, make a yummy coffee, and start working on your questionnaire!

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What were your most significant accomplishments in the past season?

Jot down everything you accomplished the past season, from the smallest to the biggest and most important. It doesn’t matter if your accomplishment was organizing the company’s archive or bringing in a brand new client and, therefore, increasing the company’s income. All parts of work life are important!

What were the most notable challenges you faced?

Challenges are an integral part of our lives, whether personal or professional. Challenges at work may include a complex project, a difficult colleague, or just a miscommunication. However, finding solutions and possible alternatives is easier when we identify the challenges.

Did your role and responsibilities change during this time? Was it a good change?

It’s essential to jot down every change regarding your role, responsibilities, and position within the company. Then, you need to evaluate whether these changes are good and whether those changes affect you in the future.

What aspects of your job did you enjoy most, and what aspects did you enjoy least?

Not every aspect of our work is fun and easy. There are some things we love to do and others we do not like. Write them both down and check how many you want and how many you do not.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your workload?

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Sometimes, even if we love our job, the workload is so heavy that it is not easy to handle; this can cause problems not only with our work-life balance but also with our performance. Identify the amount of stress your current workload causes and whether it’s affecting your performance and your personal life.

Are there any communication issues affecting your productivity?

Maybe you are not productive because your ideas are not expressed, or the way the workload is structured makes it difficult for you to be as productive as you could be. Think about whether those important factors are not well communicated.

Are there any recurring problems or obstacles hindering your progress?

If you haven’t made the ideal progress so far, is there anything behind this slow process? Maybe a challenging project, a hard-to-work-with colleague, or something else?

Do you feel like your skills are being fully utilized?

Do you use and take advantage of all your skills in your current role, or does the job not require you to do so? For example, if you are a great problem solver with no problems to solve, your skill is “rusting.” Do you feel like this is the case?

Are there any tasks or projects you can delegate or outsource?

If your workload is too heavy and you feel like you don’t have enough time to live a little, then instead of becoming overwhelmed, maybe you could just think whether there are tasks or projects you could delegate in order to maintain a wholesome balance.

Are there any time-wasting activities you can eliminate?

These could include unnecessary meetings, too much time spent on email communication, or a lot of events that consume a lot of your time.

Do you have clear priorities and deadlines for your tasks?

Setting clear priorities as well as deadlines for your tasks is a way to organize your work life better and avoid becoming overwhelmed. Write down your priorities and the desirable deadline to carry them out. This way, you will have a clear view of what seems to be an obstacle.

How effective is your current time management system?

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Most of us believe that our time management skills are impeccable but the problem is that we have a lot on our plate. However, as many obligations we have, if we have an effective time management system then eventually we will accomplish them. Assess truthfully how you spend your time and make sure that it’s effective.

How did your work-life balance look during this period?

Can you recall if you had time for your personal life, your well-being and your favorite activities or your work seemed to take most of your day? Be sincere and think about that.

Do you feel you have enough time to take care of yourself?

Self-care is vital, especially if you want to progress in your career. Taking care of yourself doesn’t only mean having time for a long bath but also nourishing yourself, to workout, and spending time with family and friends. Also, taking care of yourself means having regular appointments with your doctor to check that your health is in shape as well.

It took 3 coffees to write this article.

About the author


Mariana is our amazing psychologist. She is generally shy, but she has the answers to all questions. She is calm but can be pretty sarcastic if she wants to! She is working with women who are struggling in their jobs. She also loves knitting. She helps our Working Gal Team with her valuable insights and tips for a balanced work life.

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