How To Simplify Your Life And Feel Better And More Focused

Written by Mariana ~ Category: Lifestyle & Travel ~ Read Time: 5 min.

Even though the fast pace of our busy everyday life is overwhelming and can be challenging from time to time (or every time), less is more is one of our strongest mottos here at The Working Gal.

Therefore, between juggling work, personal commitments, and the constant barrage of information, a simpler life is the solution to this overwhelming state.

The movement for embracing a more simple life is not something new. Minimal is the new black and has been evolving since it was invented.

However, this "simplification" is not just not buying a lot; it’s more than our purchasing power, and it usually involves all aspects of our lives.

Benefits of Simplifying Your Life

Making your life simpler can lead to a more carefree and less stressful life. Therefore, simplifying your life can increase your productivity levels and boost your focus on important things. A simple life:

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Simplifying your life can create a sense of calm and control, reducing stress and anxiety. Studies have shown a correlation between clutter and higher cortisol levels, the stress hormone. According to Psychology Today, clutter, of any form, is responsible for lessening our ability to focus, limiting our brain’s capacity to process information. That means that the more complicated your life is, the less you focus and the more you get stressed.

Gives You More Time and Freedom

You can free up valuable time and energy by eliminating unnecessary commitments and streamlining your routines. This newfound freedom allows you to pursue your passions, spend time with loved ones, or simply relax and recharge. A study from the American Psychological Association found that people who prioritize fewer goals report having more free time for leisure activities and, therefore more quality time that is beneficial to their overall well-being.

Improves Your Financial Health

Living a simple life, can lead to improved finances since you spend less money and mainly on the important things and, at the same time, you can save money for future plans, goals, or an amazing trip that you would like to organize. [Research](,impacts%20an%20individual's%20financial%20wellbeing.) showed that individuals who practice mindful spending tend to have higher levels of financial well-being.


Improves Our Relationships With Others

When you simplify your life, you free up your time, therefore, you can invest more energy into meaningful relationships with your loved ones and build deeper connections and a stronger sense of belonging. Sociologists around the world would tell you how important are our social connections for our overall well-being and happiness. Think about how full and accomplished you feel after sometime with your friends and family.

Simplifying Your Life: The Method

The path to simplifying our lives, given the attention span of our society, need some time an focus. It can’t be done within a day but if you are consistent and start with small steps, then your will be amazed how awesome the results can be.

Follow the tips below and see your life changing for the better!

Declutter Your Space

Clutter, both physical and mental, can be a major source of stress and anxiety. In order to be able to start simplifying things, start by decluttering your physical space. This can mean tossing things you no longer need, organizing your belongings, and simplifying your living space. Are you sure you need 5 lamps in your living room, or 2 would work equally well? Don’t forget to declutter your home and work office. Those colorful sticky notes are good, but to be honest, how much time do you spend away from your laptop?

Limit Your Commitments

One of the biggest pitfalls we can fall into is to keep a balanced life and be pleasant to everyone. This attitude may sound tempting and makes us feel like supergirls but in reality, it’s a pile full of stress. For this reason, say no to activities and commitments that are not essential or that do not bring you joy. It’s ok if you skip the colleagues dinner once and decide not to attend this gallery opening when you feel completely wiped out when you get back from work. Focus on the activities that are most important to you and prioritize them according to your mood, your energy levels and your schedule.

Streamline Your Schedule

Talking about the schedule, lately, there is a myth that if you have a busy calendar then you are productive. This myth can be an extreme burden in your life and it doesn’t always match the desired productivity levels. Stop overbooking your schedule and save time for rest and relaxation at least 3 times a week. Try to streamline your schedule by grouping similar activities together or delegating tasks to others, either at work or at home.

Reduce Screen Time

We are sure that your Instagram feed is amazing and that TikTok is an indefinite source of new trends and fun videos, but all these distractions can severely make your life more complicated. When it’s not necessary (aka at work or when you are with your loved ones) minimize the time you spend on your phone or iPad. A cool technique that actually works is setting a daily limit for the use of social media to a specific duration per day.


Simplify Your Wardrobe

Our closet can be our paradise or our hell if we are not careful with it. As human beings, it is statistically proven that the more options we have, the more difficult it is for us to make a decision. That said, having 3 pairs of jeans in the exact same color can only bring stress to you. In order to declutter your closet, donate clothes you no longer wear, that do not fit properly or you have since high school (!). Stick to a basic wardrobe that is versatile and easy to mix and match.

Simplify Your Finances

As we mentioned above, your finances should be as simple as they can be in order to not be a source of stress for you. By creating a budget, automating bill payments, and reducing unnecessary expenses you will take your finances to the next level and you will feel better and more organized. Also, if you are struggling with a loan, think about seeking advice from a professional on how to consolidate debt.

Simplify Your Relationships

Whether you are a party animal or a couch potato, your relationships with your people are important. However, it is important to keep in mind that the people who should be around you should make your life simple. Reflect on the people you spend time with and evaluate whether they create unnecessary drama or whether they support you and value you. Do the same with your colleagues. Then, remove them from your life or keep them at a distance. Toxic relationships are a source of stress and are for sure not a sign of a simple and balanced life.

A simpler life isn't about depriving yourself or chasing a minimalist dream. A simple life is mainly identifying what truly matters in your life, what are your goals and priorities and then making a life that aligns with your values and aspirations.

By making your life simpler you can open a path towards greater balance, focus, and fulfillment. However, it’s worth mentioning that simplification is an ongoing process, not a final goal to be achieved. As your priorities evolve, so too can your approach to living a simpler life and focus on what truly matters.

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It took 2 coffees to write this article.

About the author


Mariana is our amazing psychologist. She is generally shy, but she has the answers to all questions. She is calm but can be pretty sarcastic if she wants to! She is working with women who are struggling in their jobs. She also loves knitting. She helps our Working Gal Team with her valuable insights and tips for a balanced work life.

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